CUSIP 738476FX3
- ISIN: US738476FX30
- Entity Name: Pottsville Area School District
- Sector: Municipal Agency
- Announcement Date: 30-May-2017
- Effective Date: 22-May-2017
- Issue Date: *****
- Maturity Date: 15-May-2028
- Country of Issuer: United States
- Region: N.Amer
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- CA Type: Rating Downgrade
- News: Pottsville Area School District, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania (the ""Issuer"") is the sole obligated person on the above-referenced securities under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c(2)-12. The Issuer provides this Material Event Notice in connection with a written announcement by Moody`s Investor Service, dated May 22, 2017, downgrading the Issuer`s underlying general obligation rating from ""Al"" to ""Baa2"" and maintaining its negative outlook. Moody`s also affirmed the Issuer`s post-default state subsidy intercept enhanced rating of A3. For Bond Document please visit
- Description: Municipal Name: Pottsville Area School District CUSIP: 738476FX3 Currency: USD Pottsville Area School District announced today that Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded the underlying rating of the Series 2016 General Obligation Bonds from A1 to Baa2 on May 22, 2017.
- Bond Document:
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