CUSIP 574000000000000
- ISIN: US5742177E92
- Entity Name: Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority
- Sector: Municipal Agency
- Announcement Date: *****
- Effective Date: *****
- Issue Date: *****
- Maturity Date: *****
- Country of Issuer: *****
- Region: N.Amer
- Issue Currency: *****
- CA Type: Rating Withdrawal
- News: Fitch Ratings has withdrawn its ratings for the following bonds due to prerefunding activity: --Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority (MD) (Doctors Community Hospital) revenue bonds series 2007A (prerefunded maturities only - 5742158J1, 5742158K8, 5742158L6) previous rating: `BB+`/Stable Outlook; --Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority (MD) (Johns Hopkins Health System Obligated Group Issue) revenue bonds series 2010 (prerefunded maturities only - 5742177A7, 5742177B5, 5742177C3, 5742177D1, 5742177E9, 5742176Z3) previous rating: `AA-`/Stable Outlook. For Bond Document please visit
- Description: *****
- Bond Document:
- Latest Corporate Actions: