• ISIN: US56185NFG88
  • Entity Name: School Board of Manatee County
  • Sector: Municipal Agency
  • Announcement Date: *****
  • Effective Date: *****
  • Issue Date: *****
  • Maturity Date: *****
  • Country of Issuer: *****
  • Region: N.Amer
  • Issue Currency: *****
  • CA Type: Rating Upgrade
  • News: Moody`s Investors Service has upgraded to A2 from Baa1 the issuer rating on Manatee County School District, FL. Concurrently, we have upgraded to A3 from Baa2 the district`s $160 million Certificates of Participation. The outlook was revised to stable from positive. RATINGS RATIONALE The upgrade of the issuer rating to A2 reflects the district`s much improved financial position, which will likely strengthen in fiscal 2018. The upgrade also reflects a growing tax base and low debt and pension burdens. The upgrade to A3 for the lease rating reflects the one-notch differential based on the essential nature of the leased asset. RATING OUTLOOK The outlook reflects the likelihood that the district`s finances will be stable because of new revenues, a trend of improved budgeting practices resulting in operating surpluses and growing enrollment.
  • Description: *****
  • Bond Document:
  • Latest Corporate Actions:

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