- ISIN: US49126KGK16
- Entity Name: Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority
- Sector: Municipal Agency
- Announcement Date: 10-Mar-2016
- Effective Date: *****
- Issue Date: *****
- Maturity Date: 01-May-2033
- Country of Issuer: United States
- Region: N.Amer
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- CA Type: Rating Downgrade
- News: S&P Global Rat ings has lowered the long-term component of its dual rating on the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority`s series 2009B adjustable rat e hospital facilities refunding bonds (`AA/A-1+`), issued for St. Eliz abeth Medical Center , to `AA-` from `AA`. The `A-1+` short-term component of th e rating remains unchanged. ""The downgrade follows the Sept. 5, 2018, replacement of th e standby bond purchase agreement provided by U.S Bank, N.A with a directpay letter of credit provided by TD Bank, N.A,"" said S&P Global Ratings c redit analyst Radhika Kalra. The `AA-` long-term component of the rating reflects the irrevocable direct-pay LOC provided by TD Bank, NA (`AA-/A1+`) and addresses the likelihood that bondholders will receive interest and p rincipal payments due if they don`t exercise the put option. The `A-1+` short -term component of our rating reflects our short-term issuer credit rating on the bank and addresses the likelihood that bondholders will receive inte rest and principal View Analyst Contact Information Standard & Poor`s | Americas payments if they exercise the put option.
- Description: Municipal Name: Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority CUSIP: 49126KGK1 Currency: USD Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority announced today that the Standard & Poor`s Ratings has downgraded the ratings related to the Series 2009B, Adjustable Rate Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds from AA to AA-.
- Bond Document:
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