CUSIP 163100GJ3

  • ISIN: US163100GJ32
  • Entity Name: Public Hospital District No. 2, Chelan County, Washington
  • Sector: Municipal Agency
  • Announcement Date: *****
  • Effective Date: *****
  • Issue Date: *****
  • Maturity Date: *****
  • Country of Issuer: *****
  • Region: N.Amer
  • Issue Currency: *****
  • CA Type: Rating Downgrade
  • News: Public Hospital District No. 2, Chelan County, Washington (Lake Chelan Community Hospital) (the ""District""), furnishes this notice to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (""MSRB"") Electronic Municipal Market Access portal (""EMMA"") with respect to a rating downgrade of its outstanding general obligation debt. This letter provides notice that on March 29, 2018, Moody`s Investors Services downgraded its long-term underlying ratings of unlimited tax general obligation (""UTGO"") and limited tax general obligation (""LTGO"") debt of Public Hospital District No. 2, Chelan County, Washington (the ""District""). As a result of this rating action, the District`s UTGO rating was downgraded from ""Al"" to ""Baal"" and the LTGO rating was downgraded from ""A2"" to ""Baa2.""
  • Description: *****
  • Bond Document:
  • Latest Corporate Actions:

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