CUSIP 152691AS0
- ISIN: US152691AS01
- Entity Name: Central Bradford Progress Authority
- Sector: Municipal Agency
- Announcement Date: *****
- Effective Date: *****
- Issue Date: *****
- Maturity Date: *****
- Country of Issuer: *****
- Region: N.Amer
- Issue Currency: *****
- CA Type: Rating Downgrade
- News: S&P Global Ratings lowered its long-term rating on Sayre Health Care Facilities Authority, Pa. and Central Bradford Progress Authority, Pa.`s revenue debt issued for The Guthrie Clinic to `A+` from `AA-`. The outlook is stable. ""The downgrade reflects both the application of sustained operating pressure that began in fiscal 2017, continued through fiscal 2018, and that is expected to persist throughout fiscal 2019 and the application of the ""U.S. And Canadian Not-For-Profit Acute Care Health Care Organizations (/en_US/web/guest/article/-/vi ew/sourceId/10407192)"" criteria published on March 19, 2018,"" said S&P Global Ratings credit analyst Jamie Seman. We understand that part of the operating losses are due to nonrecurring factors and that management is committed to identifying ways to improve operations, however the recent trend of losses is not consistent with a `AA` category rating and has diminished Guthrie`s financial flexibility. For Bond Document please visit
- Description: *****
- Bond Document:
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