Sacramento City Unified School District
CUSIP 785870RF5
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 23-Mar-2017
- News: Moody`s Investors Service, Inc. (Moodys) upgraded the underlying rating on the Districts general obligation bonds from A1 to Aa3 on March 17, 2017. The Districts affected general obligation bonds rated by Moodys are as follows: 2007 General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2002, Series 2007 2011 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2012 General Obligation Refunding Bonds For Bond Document please visit
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 23-Mar-2017
- News: Moody`s Investors Service, Inc. (Moodys) upgraded the underlying rating on the Districts general obligation bonds from A1 to Aa3 on March 17, 2017. The Districts affected general obligation bonds rated by Moodys are as follows: 2007 General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2002, Series 2007 2011 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2012 General Obligation Refunding Bonds For Bond Document please visit
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 23-Mar-2017
- News: Moody`s Investors Service, Inc. (Moodys) upgraded the underlying rating on the Districts general obligation bonds from A1 to Aa3 on March 17, 2017. The Districts affected general obligation bonds rated by Moodys are as follows: 2007 General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2002, Series 2007 2011 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2012 General Obligation Refunding Bonds For Bond Document please visit