Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 113
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 29-Jan-2018
- News: This Notice is being issued by Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 113 (the Issuer) pursuant to the Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission and in accordance with the Issuers obligations to provide such notice. As of January 17, 2018, Moodys Investors Service, Inc. (Moody) published a report indicating that its insurance financial strength rating on National Public Finance Guarantee Corp. (National) was downgraded from A3 to Baa2. The report also stated that the outlook on National is stable. Moodys rating report may be obtained from Moodys Investors Services, Inc., 250 Greenwich Street, New York, New York 10007 or at Moodys website ( The Issuers Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2017, and the Unlimited Tax Road Improvement Bonds, Series 2017, were both insured by National. For Bond Document please visit
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 29-Jun-2017
- News: As of June 26, 2017, S&P Global Ratings (S&P) published a report indicating that its financial strength rating on National Public Finance Guarantee Corp. (National) was downgraded from AA- to A. The report also stated that the outlook on National is stable. For Bond Document please visit
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 29-Jun-2017
- News: As of June 26, 2017, S&P Global Ratings (S&P) published a report indicating that its financial strength rating on National Public Finance Guarantee Corp. (National) was downgraded from AA- to A. The report also stated that the outlook on National is stable. For Bond Document please visit