City of Glendale, Arizona
CUSIP 378280TK7
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 11-Feb-2015
- News: City of Glendale, Arizona has issued USD 7335M, 5% fixed rate bond due 01-Jul-2022. For Bond Document please visit
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 10-Feb-2015
- News: Municipal Name: City of Glendale, Arizona CUSIP: 378280PP0 Full Redemption: USD 3190M Redemption Date: March 11, 2015 For Bond Document please visit
- Issue Currency: United States of America Dollars
- Announcement Date: 13-Apr-2017
- News: Moody`s Investors Service upgraded Glendale, Arizona`s GOULT rating to A1 from A2 ($135.1 million of debt affected). At this time, Moody`s also upgraded to A1 from A2 the city`s senior and subordinate lien general excise tax bond ratings ($246.7 and $189.9 million of debt affected, respectively). The transportation excise tax bond rating was affirmed at A2 ($77.6 million of debt affected). The rating outlooks remain stable. For Bond Document please visit